Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Kemas Muhammad Ziydan El Haq

my son

Kemas Muhammad Ziydan El Haq
born nov 15,2010
so now u r 1month 12 day-year-old
everyday i pray for u son]
hope u ll become a gratefull person
for u my wife haryati komalasari hope u ll bcome the best mom for him

love u both

2 komentar:

  1. just one post sir? well here my comment.. how about you sir.. whether you would be a good father? hehehehe... so sweet... from the bottom of your heart isn't it sir? well, all we can do just hope sir.. I also pray for all my friends.. GBU sir.. wasalam :)

  2. thx fren
    ya pastinya from the bottom of my heart
    wasalam jg
